The Magical Escape Room: Build Your Army

Amass a collective population of 7000 for the password to the word lock, but running out of food will reset your progress...

Alternatively, change the CSS code to reveal the password...with your best bet. What makes text unseeable? Ctrl-F to search terms inside the code.

The rules are simple. Add farmers to get more food. Have more farmers to get more workers. Don't starve. Change CSS.

Wood: 0

Tomorrow: +0

Brick: 0

Tomorrow: +0

Food: 0

Tomorrow: +1.0



Escape Room Code

Evolution Chain





Lumberjacks and Miners make +2 resources.

Farmers make +2 food.

Clergy have +0.1 influence.

Available Workers are 10% more hostile.

Clergy: 0

Loyalty: 0

The code to the lock is:

The code to the letter lock is:

The code to the letter lock is:

The code to the letter lock is:

The code to the letter lock is: